Having spent a fortune getting my vintage Singer sewing machine repaired I thought I ought to use it, so last weekend I spent an afternoon making two new scatter cushions. Cream with a wide red check and mother of pearl buttons, I'm thoroughly pleased with them. I replaced my old cushion covers with the two new ones and have managed to transform my living room in an instant. The best bit was it only cost me a sewing machine service as I was given fabric remnants from my mother, an ex-interior designer and self confessed horder of fabric. They fit in perfectly with my Scandinavian colour palette, and of course they look so much better because I actually made them!
Comfortably gorgeous cushions by Pale & Interesting
I opted for the zip-free cushion with a button close instead, having been told many times by various handy friends that zips are best avoided. Here's the step by step method I took in case I have convinced you to have a go...
1/ Firstly ensure you have the necessary equipment:
a working machine
fabric scissors
tape measure
thread to match your fabric
2/ To make a 40cm x 40cm cushion cover measure and cut 3 pieces of fabric (one for the front and two for the envelope back) 1 piece at 42cm x 42cm, and 2 pieces at 42cm x 30cm
3/ Iron the pieces of fabric, then take one of the smaller pieces and fold over 6cm of the long side and pin 3cm in from the edge
4/ Sew a straight line along this pinned side about 0.5cm from the edge. Make sure you sew backwards for 1cm either end of this sewn edge to secure the thread
5/ Pin all three pieces together inside out (about 3cm from the edge) so the right side of the fabric is facing inwards and the neat, sewn edge of the envelope piece is the correct way round
6/ Sew all the way around the cushion about 1cm from the edge, removing pins as you go
7/ Turn the stitched cover the right way round, and stitch a button on the under piece of the envelope back
8/ Make a small vertical incision, which in length should be the diameter of the button and hand sew around the raw edges to stop the fabric fraying
9/ Insert your 45cm x 45cm feather cushion pad and button up your cover... ta da!!!
Happy Sewing :)